Little Mountain EA

Developer: Holborn Properties Ltd.
Architect: Arcadis Architects (Canada) Inc.
Year of Completion:
Special Features:

The Little Mountain Building EA Low Rise Project is a new construction project consisting of  70 suites, a common area and laundry room on the 1st floor. The residential lobby will be located on the east side off of James Street. There will be 6 residential floors up to L6. Residential floor  L1will have 11,602 SQF and will have 7 suites. L2 to L6 will have between 12,206 and 12,688 SQF and 63 suites. The residential roof will house the mechanical penthouse. 
Part of a 15.3 Acre Masterplan featuring 1,600 new homes & 30,000 sqft. of new retail space including a new local grocery store, art plaza & daycare are coming to Little Mountain.

Vancouver Residential